Custom Events Backfilling: Start Playing From Scratch

Trackingplan enables you to create custom events and metrics, providing you with the flexibility to track and validate any event with the granularity you need. Whether it's user interactions, system events, or application-specific actions, you can tailor your tracking to your exact requirements.
What's New
We're thrilled to announce a game-changing enhancement to Trackingplan: Custom Events Backfilling! This feature empowers you to create and validate custom events and metrics with unparalleled precision and efficiency. Say goodbye to waiting days to start playing with your custom events and metrics– with Trackingplan's Custom Events Backfilling, you can hit the ground running instantly.
Instant Access to Pre-existing Data
One of the common challenges users faced was the delay in using custom events after creating them. Traditionally, users had to wait for data collection to begin from scratch before they could start analyzing and customizing their events.
Streamlined Workflow
With Custom Events Backfilling, Trackingplan now incorporates pre-existing information directly into your custom metrics and events. Instantly access properties detected over the last 7 days, enabling you to start working with your custom events or metrics immediately. Say goodbye to waiting periods and hello to productivity!
Eliminate Waiting Time
No more waiting around for data collection to kick in. By leveraging existing data, you can jumpstart your analysis, add regex patterns, customize warnings, and fine-tune your tracking without delay.
Enhanced Insights
Gain deeper insights into your application's behavior and user interactions from day one. By leveraging historical data, you can make informed decisions and optimizations right from the start, maximizing the value of your tracking efforts.