Data Privacy

How does Trackingplan handle the data it receives when customers use Trackingplan?

We are committed to providing customers and end users with complete transparency in relation to our privacy practices and the technical and organizational measures we use to ensure the security of our customer’s data.

We use the data we receive to provide services to our customers as described in our Privacy Policy. Furthermore, although Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is typically not permitted in most third-party services –and we only clone and forward samples of what you are already sending to your existing analytics providers –our collectors perform additional measures to avoid processing PII:

  • We hash any known session or user identifiers used by the analytics provider (e.g., client_id, session_id, g_id, etc.).
  • We employ a best-effort approach to identify and remove sensitive data. This includes masking or hashing known sensitive field names and value patterns.
  • We allow our clients to specify fields that should not be processed.

Please note that there is no storage before the anonymization measures. Subsequently, our processing system selects samples and stores them to deliver the intended value. In summary, this entire process is designed to anonymize data:

  • We ensure that no PII is processed or stored beyond the initial, on-the-fly collection phase on our servers.
  • We randomize and dissociate different samples to prevent identification through the aggregation of pseudo identifiers or user behavior analysis.

Recurring categories

Do you have any questions?

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